Cellphone is ringing on her study table without someone picking him up. A taste of lonesome from a couple.... .....
ここにいるよ feat.青山テルマ
Baby boy わたしはここにいるよ
どこもいかずに待ってるよ <等候在此哪都不去>
You know that I love you だからこそ <你知道我爱你 所以>
心配しなくていいんだよ <不用担心就好>
どんなに远くにいても <无论相隔有多遥远>
変わらないよこの心 <这颗心都不会因此改变>
言いたい事わかるでしょ? <你知道我想说的话吧>
あなたのこと待ってるよ <我一直都在等着你>
不器用な俺 远くにいる君 <不争气的我 在远处的你>
伝えたい気持ちそのまま言えずに <想表达的心情还没有说出口>
君は行っちまった <你就已经离去>
また残された君はアルバムの中 <现在留下的 也只有在影集中的你>
电波でしか会えない日々 <只能在电波里相见的每一天>
だけど见えないぜ君の微笑み <然而你的微笑 却再也无迹可寻>
君のぬくもり 髪の香り <你的温度 你发丝的香气>
この喉の渇きは <如同困扰着我喉咙的那份干渴>
のまま満たされずに <却再也无法得到满足>
过ぎてく日々の中 <在过去的每一天里>
なんだか君の面影ひたすら探した <总会不由自主地探寻着你的面容>
君とよく歩いたあの道は <常常与你一同漫步的那条小路>
今俺だけの足音が响いていた <现在只剩我的脚步声在那里回响>
んなことより お前の方は元気か? <话说回来 你现在还好吗?>
ちゃんと饭食ってるか? <有好好的吃饭吗?>
ちくしょう、やっぱ言えねぇや <可恶 果然我还是说不出来>
また今度送るよ 俺からのLetter <我的信 还是下次再寄吧>
Baby boy わたしはここにいるよ
どこもいかずに待ってるよ <等候在此哪都不去>
You know that I love you だからこそ <你知道我爱你 所以>
心配しなくていいんだよ <不用担心就好>
どんなに远くにいても <无论相隔有多遥远>
変わらないよこの心 <这颗心都不会因此改变>
言いたい事わかるでしょ? <你知道我想说的话吧>
あなたのこと待ってるよ <我一直都在等着你>
镰仓の砂浜で见た君の姿 <在镰仓的沙滩上看着你的身影>
波にのまれた君に言いたい言叶 <想对你说的话却都被浪花淹没>
なんだかマジせつねぇ <却不知怎么感觉喘不过气来>
男なのになんで..言叶出てこねぇや.. <明明是个男人..怎么就说不出来..>
覚えてますか? 君と行ったカラオケの中 <还记得么? 和你一起唱卡拉OK的时候>
俺が入れた曲の言叶 <我所唱的歌曲的歌词>
モニターに浮かんだまま <在屏幕上浮现>
ほんとは君に伝えたかった <其实真的是我想对你说的>
君と二人きりで初めて待ち合わせをしたあの日 <记得第一次和你单独见面的那一天>
まるで偶然に会ったかのように <就像你我在街上偶遇一般>
はしゃぎ 微笑む君が忘れられないって <你忽然闪现的羞涩微笑 令我无法忘怀>
话かなりそれちまったがわかるよな? <我变得有点前言不搭后语 但你明白吗?>
俺が言いたい言叶.. <我想说的那些话>
Shit 残り书く场所がねぇや
ごめん 次は绝対に送るから <对不起啊 下次一定会寄给你>
Baby boy わたしはここにいるよ
どこもいかずに待ってるよ <等候在此哪都不去>
You know that I love you だからこそ <你知道我爱你 所以>
心配しなくていいんだよ <不用担心就好>
どんなに远くにいても <无论相隔有多遥远>
変わらないよこの心 <这颗心都不会因此改变>
言いたい事わかるでしょ? <你知道我想说的话吧>
あなたのこと待ってるよ <我一直都在等着你>
俺がもっと金持ちだったら <如果我能再有钱一点>
もっとまともな仕事をしてたら <能再找一份更好的工作>
もしもすべて犠牲にできたのなら <如果牺牲所有的一切就能做到的话>
俺は绝対に君を... <那我绝对要把你..(娶回来)>
だがPlease勘违いだけはすんな <但是Please 你千万不要误会>
君に寂しい思いはさせたくねぇが <我从没想过要让你觉得孤单>
忙しい中あんま话せねぇが <现在有点忙 不能多说了啊>
baby believeこれはall for our future
But 正直 今すぐ君と会いたい
今すぐ抱きしめてやりたい <很想立刻将你拥入怀里>
昔 君が俺の隣で座ってた席には <当初 你坐在我身旁的那个座位>
もう谁もいないって... <现在已经没有任何人了...>
まぁ そんな事はいいんだ <唉 这些事情都算了>
言いたいことはそんなんじゃねぇんだ <我想对你说的并不是那些>
今さらだがずっと言いたかった言叶を込め <虽然为时已晚 把我一直想说的话都写进去吧>
送るUnsent letter <寄出这份 UNSENT LETTER>
Baby girl わたしはここにいるよ
どこもいかずに待ってるよ <等候在此哪都不去>
You know that I love you だからこそ <你知道我爱你 所以>
心配しなくていいんだよ <不用担心就好>
どんなに远くにいても <无论相隔有多遥远>
変わらないよこの心 <这颗心都不会因此改变>
言いたい事わかるでしょ? <你知道我想说的话吧>
あなたのこと待ってるよ <我一直都在等着你>
Baby boy わたしはここにいるよ
どこもいかずに待ってるよ <等候在此哪都不去>
You know I love you だからこそ <你知道我爱你 所以>
心配しなくていいんだよ <不用担心就好>
どんなに远くにいても <无论相隔有多遥远>
変わらないよこの心 <这颗心都不会因此改变>
今なら素直に言えるよ <现在终于可以坦率的说了吧>
I don't ever wanna let you go.. <我从没想过要让你离开...>
A moment that fading away
Posted by Xazvier at 2:42 AM 2 comments
Solitary mug and bottle of water.
A new start begun in very early in this morning.
Everything was just a blur dream when i woke up.
Examination and problems were first things etched into my mind.
Leaving my bed, heading to kitchen to had something to fill up.
A familiar sound resonated with beating of heart once i opened up the fridge.
Raw meat rested in the corner. Is it cold?
Effortlessly, an instant noodle with egg and pork was readied.
Surfing net, signing in MSN were just a mere routine for student.
Finding some familiar faces of my friends in my contact list, while enjoying my breakfast.
Setting my sight over my mug and bottle, both of them rested at the window bank watching me bloging now.
How about exchanging your solitary with mine? A lonesomeness talk in this morning.
Posted by Xazvier at 7:25 AM 0 comments
Boring Barometer
Uhhh, my boring barometer is going to blow up very soon. These days, i am feeling the day went meaningless and doing nothing but staying awake in front of laptop. Surfing Friendster, finding some nostalgic friends' faces, uhhh, i am trapped again in emotional thought again. Thinking over my childhood, the time i was in my MR. NG tution class, and that moment could never be retrieved back... ... and etc. I closed the page, and started finding another site to squander my time.
Well, i came back to my Friendster page again, not looking for my hometown friends, but my own group, Cafe Terrace. Cool name, isn't it. But there is only a few members, 50... ... Not really 49, okay?! I round it up so the firgure would be half of hundred. But it is better to compare with my class group members. Well, if my high school class had only 50 and less students... ...
Now? Start typing my blog to continue squandering my time. I am not forgetting my final examination. I know what am i doing? What? You know what are you doing? Wasting time on doing something garbage. Oh yeah. Sorry about that, but i am feeling that i need to unwind myself a while.
Recently, i read a fictiona story about everyone's short comings. The protagonist is a bad-tempered people and easily get pissed off of everything that he think which is wrong from his very own unique way of view. So it goes the same to his girl friend.
Because of his worst attitude, he break up with his girl friend. His girl friend finally get fade up on tolerating him, and find herself a mexican boy friend. He is just a scumbag. He departs to New York and search for her, and quarelling over the this. The author does not clearly describe what is the relationship between that girl and mexican. I am just telling you from my stand. Let us continue... ... And eventually, the protagonist who think he has a back-up girl friend also break-up with him and in the end he gain nothing but sorrow. This story resembles a lot of one movie that i had watched long ago. That movie is Oscar awarded, American X History, the story is about the racism, and the kid easilly provoked by everyone's speech. In the end, when he wants to return to the normal track. With the thesis on his hand, he is shot to death by a black teenager. The paper has been drenched in flesh color with the title of Peace. I set my sight to the paper which writes "Life is so short to be pissed off, so do some effort to grasp for a better living."
Ohhhh, i have crapped for almost half an hour. Oh ya, today i wanted to play badminton with my friends, but within this period and this moment, everyone seems busy for their assignments and exams. Oh, what am i doing? Well, i did some revision too. I just do not want to end my three day's weekdays being a study nerd.
Anything to say... ... Not really, i guess this is the point i should stop my crap. Thank you those who watch my blog and sorry for watching this nonsense. See ya everyone.
Posted by Xazvier at 8:45 PM 0 comments