About me

Personally interested in Mocha. I grew up in Old Town Style of Chinese Cafe.

Every morning, helping parents doing some routine task such as:
1. Boiling up water
2. Cleaning up the marble table and wooden chair

Usually we started business by 6 o'clock in the morning. After helping out, i would have a cup of Milo, Half-Boiled Egg on top of my coal baked bread. Sometime we didn't use butter, but using my mother handmade Kaya with baked bread.

When we were having break, i would help out my mum to take care of the cash. The toughest job was to take care the coal baked bread. I would use the double sided flat tool to nip the two bread on my left hand, and with a small wooden fan on my right hand to fan the fire while boiling up the water at the same time. Huhu.

Without using cash register, within a minute, mum had came out with the total. Impressive. When ordering, shouting was inevitable, father would recklessly went back to position after having conversation with old friends who was having breakfast before going to work. But still, the cafe was still enveloped with dense atmosphere of geniality.

That's all i have been going through. That's the part of me.


*xiao xing* said...

first comment..hehehe..
I miss your kopitiam though I dint go there often.I like the kaya bread and coffee..but I think I still not dare to eat the half-boiled egg..aha..^ ^