My life in KL

Life in KL, busy pace, white noise or whatever noise, people with gloomy face, crossing each other fates, too random and wasted.

Driving the same route, listen to music as if the life has came to a dull point where music lose its function to spice up the life. Self-encouragement always there, but motivation is not there, barely holding a shell to live on. Too many contradiction, goals, obstacles, determination, socialize, doubting instinct are always there to distract your thought.

I came across many painful scene, those beggars scene, i said. A Nanny with wrinkles all over her face, with a smile on her face, as though a way to console her feeling by selling out a tissue to me. I paid. My heart pain as there was a disabled child lying there on shabby, rusted cardboard trolley motionless with his eyes wide open. The moment i handed over the cash, the child fall down from the trolley, this happened in a sudden, but i remembered Nanny want to thank me, and somehow he slightly pushed the trolley a bit while thanking me with just mumbling sound. Coins all over the floor, and child fall without crying. I helped out to put the coin back in place. But the nanny was still smiling, and more and more people started crowding around us... ...

As you can see, i can see the contrast between nanny and child, how is she going to raise up children, how helpless i am when i approach to them, if i didn't buy from them, people around them will just ignore them.... ... too many thoughts at a time at morning pasar, i tried to numb myself after helping out. Got my tissue, with a smile to Nanny over there beside child, and i left.

I can sense that i am going to become numb with every feeling that crosses my heart. Life is like that, perhaps, may be we can find motivation over there. Perhaps... ...

May be all i need is motivation, need to find it, sourcing it, as the way to move out this circumstance. Life can be dull or interesting, i told myself, whether should i open up to the others. Energy wise, i guess i need to work on it.

Neo, come on find a way to make the day interesting!!!!!

P/S: Passage not coherent


六年,随便一个什么东西什么人跟着自己六年,想必也成为了自己生活的一部分,难以割舍了。那么相恋了六年的人呢?他说,已经是亲人的感觉了。她却只听到了 这里,以为他没有爱了。
  他其实想说的,是自己人吧。难道不是吗?最开始,我们进进退退,我只让你看到自己打扮好的样子,你也表现得很绅士;当我们熟络,我开始当着你 的面补妆擤鼻子,你也开始对我极尽挑剔刻薄之事——这样穿不好看啦,运动一下啦都有小肚子了;到这一步,我们还不分手,还抱着两人在一起的愿望,于是,我 们开始寻求一种亲密无间。久而久之,我生病了你不是嘘寒问暖而是责怪地说,笨蛋,谁叫你穿这么少,还不吃药?!你就算是跟哥们儿在一块儿,我也可以丝毫不 脸红地call你,喂,买包卫生巾回来!
  时间就像流水一般,从我们之间时疾时缓地流过,我们看清了彼此,却发现当初绚烂的爱情已经慢慢褪色,真的不再爱了吗?日子平平淡淡,所以,我 们才需要争吵和一点若有若无的男女关系来向自己证明对方还是在乎自己的。可是,如果不相爱,可能撑不到六年就分手了,那么,这六年的时间,无论对谁都是一 种承诺了吧——我爱你,并且愿意包容你。男主角看着女主角笨手笨脚煮面的样子,无奈了,佯装生气的样子,抢过锅碗瓢盆,自己做;晚归的男主角看着睡着的女 主角,会嘀咕,这家伙居然自己做了吃了?女主角会大喊,不是告诉过你浅色的衣服和深色的衣服要分开洗吗,虽然这句话我猜想,她已经说过很多遍了。这不就是 生活,现实中的爱情,平淡但在不经意间打动人心。

Time waits for no one

作者:再见寒秋 转自北方网

  Time waits for no one

  17岁时的我们究竟在憧憬着什么?17岁时的我们究竟在做着一些什么?17岁时的我们……17岁时的我们距现在已经太过遥远了,在那个青涩的季 节里,在纯真的年华中,你的座位旁有着怎样的一个人让你不知所措?你的睡梦中出现了如何一张面孔叫你心悸不已?无助命运中啊,又会多了怎样的一段记忆,就 这样让你牵挂终身呢?

  当着记忆的躯壳冲破沉重的枷锁,我想你的梦,是可以飞翔的。睡梦的翅膀从你柔弱的背脊中默默生长出来时,也许会痛的。但,那只是一种压抑了许久 的触感,随着孤独、迷茫、甚至一丝绝望的不断增强,在寂寞的日子里,窗外那巨大的云朵给了你太阳余烬的热量。回忆的时间开始变得缓慢绵长,时钟也不再会滴 答作响。你艰难地从摔倒的地方爬起来,不要恐慌,不要让回忆的去冲淡你重生的激扬。这是时间凝住的始点,喧哗退却的地方

  就这样的死而复生算作什么?老天的宽恕?还是等待中不期而遇的美丽邂逅?17岁的绀野真琴,同样面临着我们曾经左右为难过的文理分科,同样踩着 单车和自己的死党共同迟到,同样作着不知所云的试卷,玩着不太精通的棒球,过着不知愁滋味的生活。对于时间对于梦想抑或对于未来的期望都不曾有过太多的奢 求,也只不过是要好好享受一下暑假中那三个人一起的美好时光罢了,无论是去海滩、烟花还是浴衣。那个会因为接不好球而鄙视她的津田功介、那个因为迟到而会 训斥她的间宫千昭、还有我们的主角绀野真琴就这样静静的在一起吧三个高中时代的好朋友,永远不会分开,永远那样快乐。但那断掉的闸线,16:00时呼啸而 至的电车,像所有漫画中的主角们一样,是命运的安排给了真琴这次冲脱平凡重新开始的机会,一切也从此时真正意义上转变了。



  一个连走路都会摔跤的女孩,就如此的高高跃起拥有了这种我们可望不可即的穿越时空的能力。她可以回到自己想要回去的任何时间任何地点。被兴奋冲 昏了头的“小公主”开始随意使用着自己的这个特殊能力,其实无非只是想去尝尝那个被妹妹抢去的布丁,想要考试考好那么一点点,或是能再多唱上几小时的 KTV,再吃上一遍前天自己已经吃过的烤肉,接住她那人生中的每一次面对的掷球。不要问她为什么会这么幸运,7月13日是个好日子,尽情享受期间的快乐才 是最最重要的,俏皮地闪躲过那虽有令你难堪的倒霉事,拥有"Time-leap"的每天都开心笑的停不下来,对于真琴来说这是件好事,但是对于她身边的朋 友来说是真样吗?

  向左向右的路牌注定告诉我们这段故事的转折点开始了,死党千昭那个突如其来的告白就像闪电一般打开了少女的天真的心扉,一次一次穿越时空,一次 一次的选择跳过,她只是想维护住那份单纯的朋友关系,只是还没有准备好怎样来面对这份突如其来得爱情告白,当真琴终于逃脱了那段千昭好不容易说出口的话语 时,她的同学暗恋千昭已久的友梨却又悄悄的走进了这个玩世不恭的男孩的生活。也许人们就是这样,面对最珍惜的事情,面对最珍惜的人往往太过胆怯,太过小心 翼翼了。

  时间依旧在继续着,高濑的第二次反抗在我看来是故事的又一次转折点,却又是那样的悲凉,他只是为了成就友梨和千昭真正交往的工具,真琴的跳跃也 是,我不知道真琴和千昭擦肩而过的心情会是怎样?那个只有17岁的女孩,走着自己太过艰难和不寻常的道路。终于在那些喧闹稍微平静的是时候,她发现了此时 手臂上不知为何烙下的标记(“Time-leap”使用次数的标记),那个自己太过任性的标记。

天空中的云朵依然没有边际的生长着,而少了千昭的棒球场又过于空寂了,三个人的传球就这样变成了两个人的对话。其实就像魔女所说真琴是可以和这个温 柔的功介交往的,反正不合适可以从头再来的,但这一次真琴拒绝了,是明白了这样是在玩弄别人的感情,还是真的爱上了那个被自己滥用"Time-leap" 而错过的千昭。静静的钢琴曲又一次响起,冲淡了一些少女的愁绪,浓郁了几分无助的等待,那些伴随着音符而闪动的分镜头是告诉我们时间的飞速流逝,还是在告 诉我们时间流逝时是这样悄无声息。

  很快,不安分的志愿部三人组瞄上了经常和功介独处的真琴,她们不再用什么望远镜和占卜书而是直接选择去质问她。搞笑的行动终于成功,真琴手臂上 的标记也只剩下可怜的5次机会,可是她还是选择了又一次的跳跃,不为别的,只为让好朋友功介能够得到其实早该属于他的爱。伴随着欢快的钢琴独奏,我们的真 琴开始一次又一次的重重摔倒,在这里我们又看到了无数的搞笑成分,在这里我们又开始为这个女孩的将来担心不已。

  最后一次的跳跃选择在那高高的跳台上,就像好多希望的开始,就像那一刻真琴的背脊真正的生出了一双翅膀,我们不知道真琴冲出去的一瞬,面颊上闪 过的是汗水还是无奈的泪滴,但随着功介和果穗的真正邂逅,我们的真琴除了欣慰的同时也看到了手臂上01的字样。就是这样转瞬即逝,机会是如此,命运更是如 此的,意识到这一切的时候的她默默地离开了,耳边的依旧是转变了旋律,略带了淡淡忧伤的那只钢琴曲。图书馆、球馆、存车场,被一次有又次更改变换的钟表, 太过平凡的景物却又预示我们的主角一次又一次太过不平凡的既往。

  随着真琴打开功介的那条短信,更加悲伤的弦乐响起了,我们能感受到她当时的心情,自己那天突然断掉闸线的车子就这样被功介和果穗骑走了,不见了 他的教室,空无下来的存车处,占着线路无法接通的电话,和以往一样平静生活着的人们。时间在无情地继续着,但当真琴冲到了那个曾经断送过自己性命的地方 时,却什么都没有发生……。我想就这样结束吧,静静的去等待下一次重来的跳跃,回到自己软软的床上冲个澡和可爱的妹妹聊些什么,千昭也好、功介也罢、甚至 是说说那个让你不知如何是好的“Time-leap”也行。但是“嗡嗡” ,其实千昭终究会问到真琴有关“Time-leap”的事情,就像故事中那一直出现的母子和那一群准点敲钟的小人一样,怎么都是无法跳过的。但这一次她还 是选择了逃避,用最后的一次机会,用最后的一次希望。时间真的依旧重新来过,千昭的问题也被成功打断,但功介呢?眼睁睁的看着功介骑着那辆断掉了闸线的车 子从自己面前呼啸而过,在那个曾经是自己死去的时刻,就这样撞到了护栏上,然后朝着那飞驰而来的电车像那时的自己一样飞了过去。




  “真琴,如果我说我是从未来来的你会笑我吗?”千昭的出现顺理成章地揭开了一切的谜题。就为了看一眼那张在未来就已经消失的传说中的画卷,他来 到了这个时代,这个季节,爱上了这样一个麻烦不断却又如此善良可爱的绀野真琴。时间真的静止下来了,因为千昭用掉了属于他的最后一次的机会,停止了转动的 城市在现在看来又是多么的寂寥多么的无助,她们穿过每一条街道每一条小巷,就像从一个个分镜头中出现的那个寂寞的红气球,在灰蒙蒙的楼中随风飘荡,这里只 有她们,17岁的她们。让过去的人知道“Time-leap”存在,千昭是必须消失的,但是反复的重来,老天却又给时间倒退的真琴一次重新来过的机会。当 奥华子的歌声响彻耳畔时,当真琴一步步冲向空中又重新见到那些历历在目的往事时,我们的眼眶还有理由继续干涩下去吗?

  真琴又一次面对了这个重复了太多遍的一天,她勇敢地告诉了千昭她所知晓的一切,哪怕千昭真的会离开自己,因为她已经准备好了去坦然面对这个真实 的一切,懂得了如何奔跑,懂得了如何跳跃的她是那样的坚定而又充满着自信,夕阳依旧照这个美丽的世界,我们可爱的调皮的真琴没有等到那个曾经让她无处可逃 的告白,千昭也依旧用那些莫令良可的言语维护着他那即将溜走的男子汉形象,到了这里总是感觉仿佛是任何东西都在和这一对小情侣作对,绕了好大的一个圈子走 了,好长一段的弯路,却又恰恰回到了这里,为了什么?



  我想时间这东西又开始慢慢延伸了,对着变黑的屏幕,忽然想起以前看过的《罗拉快跑》和《神奇的遥控器》,彼此都有几分相似。只是这种淡淡的初恋 滋味却太过浓郁了和粘稠了,让我们无法去忘怀这个女孩给我们带来的这个别样的夏天,无法去忘怀脑海中那些永远也抹不掉的记忆片段。时间只是短暂的时间,它 们无声的来,无声的又走了很远,我们只是坐在这里等待的过客,看着不属于自己的风景,幻想着那片望不到的天堂。还要继续等待吗,也许会吧,又也许不会,想 想那些远去的恋人和朋友,又没有为了她们去勇敢面对明天的一切,未来的一切。

  那个夏天,你说永远不会忘记。时间流逝,如今我才恍然泪流。Time waits for no one不是吗?

Everyday's small reading

There’s a Buddhist story –

One of the Buddha’s students approached him and asked “Are you the messiah?” No, he replied. “Well are you a healer?” “No.” He replied. “Well are you a teacher then?” “No.” He replied again.
“Well then what are you?” Buddha replied ‘’I am awake.’’

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, no matter who said it, no matter if I said it unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. First, rely on the spirit and the meaning of the teachings and not on the words. Second, rely on the teachings not on the personality of the teachers. Third, rely on real wisdom not superficial interpretation and fourth rely on the wisdom of your pure mind, not on judgmental perceptions.

If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you will not leave one meal pass without sharing it. in same way thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened.

Happiness never decreases by being shared. Neither fire nor wind neither birth nor death can erase our good deeds. You, yourself as much as anyone in the entire universe deserve your love and affection. There’s no fire like greed, no crime like hatred, no sorrow like separation no sickness of hunger of heart, and no joy like the joy of freedom. Health and contentment are your greatest possessions and freedom your greatest joy. Look within be still free from freedom and attachment know this with joy of living in the way. The thought manifests as the word the word manifests as the deed. The deed develops into habit and habit hardens into character. So watch the thoughts and its ways with care and let it spring from love born out of concern for all beings.

There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt, doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up present relations. It’s a thorn that irritates and hurts it’s a sword that kills. The tongue, like a sharp knife kills before drying blood. Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind they can change our world. Anger will never disappear as long as the thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Anger will disappear as soon as thoughts and resentments are forgotten.

Everything is based on mind is led by mind and is fashioned by mind. If you speak an act with a polluted mind, suffering will follow you as the wills of the ox cart follows the footsteps of the ox. If you speak an act with a pure mind, happiness will follow you. Better than thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace. Hatred isn’t seized through hatred at any time. Hatred seizes through love this is an unalterable law. Holding unto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burnt. What we think we become. Fill your mind with compassions, pay no attention to the faults of others things done or left undone by others. Consider only what by self is done or left undone. An insincere an evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast. A wild beast may wound your body but an evil friend will wound your mind. Avoid all proud and arrogant minds and remain peaceful and subdivided.

Generate compassion for lowly beings and especially avoid despising or humiliating them. Do not be jealous of the good qualities of others but out of admiration adopt them for yourself. Do not look for faults in others but look for faults in yourself and purge them like bad blood. Since you cannot tame the mind of others until you’ve tamed your own, begin by taming your own mind. No one saves us but ourselves’ no one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. Abandon wrong doing.

It can be done, if there were no likely hood I would not ask you to do it. But since it is possible and since it brings blessings and happiness, I do ask of you to abandon wrong doing. Cultivate doing well and it can be done. If it brings deprivation and sorrow I would not ask u to do it. We are what we think, all that we are arises with our thoughts and with our thoughts we make our world.

The last words of Buddha “All condition and things in the world are changeable, they are not lasting.” Try to accomplish your own salvation with diligence. Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down by many generations. But after observation and analysis when you find when anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all than accept it and live up to it .

Don't find the truth within media, but history. Tibetan case.

Now is my summary of what i thought.

Tibet was nothing more to disturb the Sovereignty of Republic of China just like US wanna to manipulate Taiwan to against China. Besides that during the year of 1950s- 1959 without the involvement of CPC, Chinese Communist Party, Tibet was under the dictatorship of Dalai Lama.

Let's see when one country is under the dictatorship, was the probability of having peace talk possible from the history point of view? From the Roman Empire to Nazi, all the changes was taken in the tough form. and the CPC is a tough party, all the people against him will get in trouble, so tough people, when they deal with the dictatorship, they got their tough solution to get trouble done once and for all. I would like to say the involvement of CPC in Tibet was nothing more than to liberate the Tibetans from dictatorship.

I obviously oppose the dictatorship, but the Britain and CIA had trained Tibetan in US and UK and then airdropped back to their country. By supplying the armor and weapon, CIA informed them to do every possible mean to disturb the sovereignty of China. So, the influence of media take big stake of brainwashing people mind, and those who are informed are the one who research the history deeply.

Free Tibet is a good idea though, but under what basis? You have to go back and research the map of China back to 5000 years ago. Not to argue the map, but for economic reason, i think it best to fit with China economy policy. Free Tibet and let Tibetans back to wild. No way. You would argue that they are more happy with the way they are. However, as long as not under Dalai Lama dictatorship. And last question, Tibetans in the Tibet should be the one to determine whether to have independent but not the outsider or the protesters in TVs.

The other argument is that, the disputes will only benefit the Western Country to stop bring up China. In this very moment, isn't it the time Tibet should stand hand in hand?

For the issue of my friend, i am almost same age with them, 22. But we were born during 1987 not 1950s. So i believe the negative of CPC influenced them the most. But there is no denying fact that they do bring the development. So when dealing this matter, it depends that what sides you want to take more weight on? Emotional side? History side? Economy side, Political side and etc.

To my friends, please think the issue as a whole but not solely from what side. When people locked into one sided fact, he/she will be the in the tunnel but not flying in the sky.

The other side of Tibet... ...

The Weblog of Breaking Parity

A brief history of Tibet in 1950-1959

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Readers of my blog should be well aware by now of the autonomous regime headed by Dalie (Dalai) was one of the most brutal regimes around the world, where the properties of the entire Tibet was in the hands of some 5% of the population, and the rest, 95% of them, were virtually slaves (serfs). Their spiritual leader was smart enough to understand that “spirit” wasn’t sufficient to maintain such an unequal system, so he ruled Tibet by keeping most Tibetans in ignorance and terror. Take the eye gouging penalty for the “freedom-loving” criminals as an example.

So, what happened really from 1950 to 1959? If you care, there are plenty of resources to dig out online. But to an average people, which by definition is lazy, I can give you a very brief account of it.

Before 1950, when the Republic of China was shaking, both Britain and Russia attempted to control Tibet. Fearing an independent Tibet can easily fall in the hand of the other, neither pushed Tibet hard toward independence, although they both tried.

Between 1946 and 1950, the Communism party astonished the west by diminishing the armies of the Republic of China at an extraordinary speed. Out of the panic, British and CIA encouraged Dalie Lame (Dalai Lama) to declare independence. Whether he officially made such a bid mattered little since the message hardly got across much further than the outskirts of his palace. When the Communists army “marched into Tibet” as many western media love to describe it, the very same way they marched into every other province of China (hey dude, keep in mind that we were in a civil war and armies of different kinds marched everywhere!), they met very little local resistance. After all, average Tibetan would be more than confused to be asked to resist, since they had also been told for centuries to worship the emperor of China as the “living buddha” of higher rank than Dalie (Dalai). Foreseeing the failure of their poorly planned independence movement, the British packed up and went home, leaving Dalie alone to cooperate with Beijing.

After 1950. Initially he was allowed to maintain his autonomous regime as was. Only this time, the central Chinese government had a very different nature. They were the damn passionate communists, who perceived landlords as devils. They found the presence of a slavery regime in a socialism republic very bizarre. All other landlords in China were wiped out, often in a brutal way. So, how could Dalie Lame, the biggest landlord in China at the time, be tolerated to continue his ruling in Tibet by brutality and terror? Some critics also say that Dalie wasn’t obedient enough in front of Mao and Mao looked down on Tibetan religious tradition.

Whatever the reason was, the Communists (Lincoln) believed that according to the Chinese (US) constitution, the central (the Federal) government was entitled and obligated to liberate the people in Tibet (the south), even at the cost of military action. Some time before 1959, they launched (very slowly though) a political reforming plan in Tibet. At this point, it should be clear to the “conscience of the world” (sorry, I can’t help quoting Nancy, she’s just lovely) who embraced such a reforming the most happily. It was the vast majority of the poor Tibetans. Why would anyone say no to be set free out of slavery? Are we not freedom-loving by nature? It must also be obvious who were most upset. And yes, Dalie and his priest class. Let us remember that Dalie(Dalai) at the time was an ambitious young man at age 24, who had been receiving tough education and training in his palace for more than 20 years preparing him to become the monarch. Now, all of sudden, he was told to step aside, continue being your spiritual leader but mind no politics. He had reasons to feel outrageous and the urge of fighting back.

Luckily, CIA found Tibet their another favorite dictatorship. With their help, he quickly mobilized the slave owners, who equally feared of losing their lands, and organized a resistance force. This resulted in the “bloody crackdown” of a violent “uprise” in Lhasa after a sequence of political conflicts in 1959.

To their great dismay though, a riot was the best they managed. Quickly they ran out of the momentum and failed to find sufficient local support for a full-scale civil war. Failing the struggle, CIA arranged for Dalie to flee to India, together with a large crowd of rich monks, slave owners and their close supporters.

From then on, they settled in India and created a “government of Tibet-in-exile”, where they educated their children, and the entire west by legend.

The legend goes like this. Before 1950, Tibet was a beautiful, peaceful and spiritual fairyland where people lived free and happily. It was “invaded” by the evil Chinese Communists in 1950 and Dalie was forced to exile because he “fought for the freedom of Tibetans“. Nothing can be more ironic then such a story. I’m sure, for quite a while, the slogan of “free Tibet” was a bit confusing and even scary to Dalie (Dalai) and his pals, because “free” is a cheap word but the real question is: to be freed from what? Most evidently, most Tibetans are much freer than they ever were. Didn’t Dalie himself want to keep their “tradition” by granting his people much less freedom? But CIA had their propaganda ready and provided him the best answer that fits right into the westerners’ mind. Surely it meant to be “free from the communism”, you moron! With this last piece of jigsaw, the legend had become the best selling fiction in the 20th century and still remains very popular.

Finally, some might ask, did Dalie (Dalai) stated that he had no intention to reinstall the feudal system and instead, he planned to establish a democratic government in Tibet? Well, surely he says so, but, who else that has a brain wouldn’t? He even claimed that he was willing to consider reforming before 1950.

What a holy ingenious young dictator, at his age of 15, had already become democracy loving, and at the very same time, he already knew to fight against communism, and, most important of all, he even knew to keep his fabulous dream of “free Tibet” in secracy so he wouldn’t have upset the rich powerful monks and turned them all against him. Only until he was in exile, when the CIA funding was cut off, and when some westerners, out of curiosities, discovered the horrible past of Dalie’s rule and started questioning him, he kindly revealed to the world his most democracy and human right respecting side. Bravo, two thumbs up to his holy liar!

Updated Remark: my later study revealed to me that CIA had never taken it seriously to start a war against China for Tibetan’s independence. Their plan was only to keep the region disturbed and so the communist China troubled, although the poor Tibetans-in-exile were long kept in a myth that USA would sincerely “do everything possible” (as they so stated in one of the telegrams to Dalai Lama) for them to achieve their goal. No wonder Dalai later stated that he felt furious and betrayed when the CIA funding was cut. He, and his followers, were indeed betrayed from the very beginning. I even sympathize him and the ignorant Tibetans-in-exile now. How sad a life would it be had he not invented later the idea of becoming a “peace symbol”!

New Stage of Life

My friends are on the new stage of life, leaving me behind, last semester student.
My thought began wondering recently about the future, but i do know what to strive! For what that lacks is that action to strive for it.

Today he is taking off from St. Cloud to IOWA, my best regard to his career, and i always have positive thought he will be doing well. But it contrast vividly to my current situation where i am much more like in stagnant stage. Time to move on! I told myself.

Feel don't like talking about my future, but i do have plan.

Recently i am addicted to Cheery Blossom by Ketsume, if i'm not wrong with the singer name. It was the hit on 2005! But the song is kind of blue as it always flash back to his own memory. Touching but at the same time regretful. No use to stuck in memories, time to move on. It is nice to "taste" those memory, those days... ... someday in future.

Ohh, the cross-word puzzle test is kind of interesting and yet challenging, i thought we would finished up the test in half an hour, but not that! It almost drove everyone of us NUTS, it's fill in the blanks. My professor is too cool! Hoho, next time should work harder on reading!