A day in business ethic class

A boring day in PHIL 494, it was all about discussion, and i didn't touch the case at all. So, i started drawing randomly, and it turned out to be drums, bass and keyboard. I didn't include the lead guitar, as all the drawing just came out spontaneously by my hand as though it has a brain itself lolx.

So, here is my picture, lousy drawings, but it's fun. hehe.


kaori said...

I like your drawings, simple but really cute.

What a coincidence! I started to play base from this week because I joined the band club in my workplace. It's really heavy and my fingers hurt so much...

I have really wanted to play it since I entered the university. Now, I got chance finally!
I will also play keyboard...Drums? I can somehow play it but pretty poor lol
Have a nice weekend=)